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Who is FaZe Banks?

The chief operating officer of the gaming esports organization, FaZe Banks is often seen as the face of the brand due to his larger than life personality and frequently controversial antics. But who is FaZe Banks really, and how did he get involved with FaZe Clan to begin with? FaZe Banks was born in Massachusetts in the fall of 1991.

How tall is FaZe Banks?

There is no official number for FaZe Banks’ height, but he is said to be very tall. Photos of him near other tall celebrities have put FaZe Banks’ height at an estimated 6’4″, which is much taller than average. What does FaZe Banks do on YouTube? FaZe Banks has grown a significant following on YouTube over the years.

Why did FaZe Banks create cloutgang?

Riding the high of the Paul drama, FaZe Banks founded CloutGang, a team of content creators that would collaborate and live together in Los Angeles. This included other controversial personalities such as RiceGum. How did FaZe Banks become rich?

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